Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Shakin Jake Woods  Fastest Guitar Man  On The Move 
 2. twista and bizzy bone  fastest rap ever     
 3. Daren Fonda  Jaguar's Fastest Cat   
 4. Brian Carpenter  The Fastest the Language  Chapter and Verse Reading Series, Chapterhouse, Philadelphia, September 13, 2008 
 5. Neil Armstrong  Fastest Girl  A Single Bite 
 6. David Hayes Productions  Chill Out B - Modern indie rock guitar based.Guitar solo removed. Mid tempo, solid groove with bass guitar and drums. Modern Rock. David Hayes, SOCAN.  Sounddogs.com 
 7. The Human Soundtrack  Tongue Moves Fastest  Organs for Sale 
 8. WVXU  Fastest Bite in the World  Fastest Bite in the World 
 9. Adventures Of Loki  Fast, Faster, Fastest   
 10. WHO Radio Wise Guys - Gongol and Adams  WHO Radio Wise Guys - 2009-0502 - fastest human  WHO Radio 
 11. Up, Bustle & Out  Guitar Ahoy feat Cuffy El Guapo Flamenco Guitar  Mexican Sessions Our Simple Sensational Sound 
 12. Mike Keneally Band  Guitar Therapito (Guitar Therapy Live Sampler)  Guitar Therapy Live 
 13. Danny's Guitar Shop  Danny's Guitar Shop - Acoustic Guitar  WXPN-FM 
 14. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Storage This Week: The fastest storage in the world?; Fortune 1000 storage statistics   
 15. Mi Ami  New Guitar  Watersports  
 16. Mi Ami  New Guitar  Watersports  
 17. Mi Ami  New Guitar  Watersports  
 18. Elyes Landoulsi  Guitar  My Perception  
 19. Elvis Pummel  One Guitar (FCC)  Pressed On Wax 
 20. Mi Ami  New Guitar  Watersports  
 21. Mi Ami  New Guitar  Watersports  
 22. Elyes Landoulsi  Guitar  My Perception  
 23. Colin  MM4 with guitar   
 24. Enrico Macias  Oh Guitar, Guitar  Les Grandes Chansons des Première Années 
 25. Sobieski Impress CD 1  12-The Guitar  Sobieski Impress cd 1 
 26. Chris Walters  Where's the Guitar?  Changeling 
 27. Chris Walters  Where's the Guitar?  Changeling 
 28. Mi Ami  New Guitar  Watersports  
 29. Fat Lady Sings  This Guitar  The Fat Lady Sings Disc 1 
 30. Prince  Guitar     
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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